Mabira forest

 Mabira Forest is a rainforest area covering about 300 square kilometres (120 sq mi) (30,000 hectares (74,000 acres) in Uganda, located in Buikwe District, between Lugazi and Jinja. It has been protected as Mabira Forest Reserve since 1932.

It is home for many endangered species like the primate Lophocebus Uganda. Mabira forest lies north of Lake Victoria.

The reserve covers an area of 30,038 ha. It lies on gently undulating country, with many flat-topped hills separated by wide stream valleys.

Elevations range from 1070 to 1340 m above sea level. Although Lake Victoria lies close to the reserve’s southern boundary, the forest is drained by streams that empty generally northward into the Victoria Nile.


Mabira Forest is the largest remaining block of semi-evergreen rainforest in the Victoria Basin forest-savanna mosaic ecoregion.

The reserve is secondary forest, and has been subject to long-term human influence. Logging began in the early 20th century, and the characteristic trees East African mahogany (Khaya anthotheca) and mvule (Milicia excelsa) that were present in the 1950s have been since mostly been cut down for their valuable timber.

During the 1970s and 80s the government allowed banana and coffee plantations in the reserve.

The reserve is home to over 300 species of birds and nine species of primates.

Mabira Forest is a life-changer as it offers you plenty of things to do when you visit the forest, the game drives in the open savannah will introduce you to a lot of beautiful scenery around the country, the visit to the Mabira Country, will also encourage you to explore the beauty of the pearl of Africa on foot.

Mabira Forest is a natural environment where you can relax as you enter the woods, the sound of the swash tree branches when the breeze combines with the tweets of the different birds make up the rhythm of a jungle when you head to the visitors centre in Mabira forest.

Listed Below Are Some of The Top Things to Do and See in Mabira Forest

Zip lining

Ziplining, is one of the top activities you can do in East Africa and it’s the only Zip lining a above the tree tops, you can do it here in Mabira forest at a most reasonable price.

During this activity, you will have a great opportunity to view mabira forest with all the creatures that dwell in it, you will be able to spot animals like the baboons,

Mangabeys, Monkeys, and many more. You will be guided by an experienced guide; the equipment meets the standards of safety to meet the safety of the visitors while at the tree tops.

The activity can be done in the morning, noon and from 1pm to 6 pm. You can include this in to your safari trip in East Africa and also a visit in Jinja would be a perfect add in to your safari in East Africa.

Nature walks:

Nature walks in mabira forest, can be done without the guide, but for the perfect and the best safari experience, we recommend that you use the resident Guides who are familiar with the forest and can give you the best safari experience when you visit Mabira forest in Uganda safari.

Nature walks in Mabira forest, do not require any fitness level any person can walk around the forest wit ease, including the children, elderly on family safari, are assured of perfect safari experience, there trails in the forest to be followed and will help you explore the depth of the forest.

While here, you will have an opportunity to view various species like the monkeys swinging from one tree to another, there also birds, butterflies as well the giant ancient trees of various types.

Mountain Biking:

 The well-maintained trails in the forest, have offered the perfect Mountain biking experience, which may visitors as ventured in to as the way of exploring the forest and far beyond the forest in to the nearby communities.

Mountain bikes can be rented from the Griffins Falls Camp, outside of the forest at the National Forestry Department facility and others can be rented from the Nile river Explorers in Jinja.

Mountain biking is exciting and you have an opportunity to view various attractions in the forest such as primates. Birds, butterflies and other. Its an exciting experience you ought not miss when you take your safari trip to Mabira forest.

Mangabey trekking, Monkeys of Uganda

The Mangabey monkeys, are the rare type if monkeys and can only be found in Mabira forest in Uganda, and other few parts of the country, in in few areas bordering Tanzania.

In Mabira forest, there are three habituated groups inside the Mabira forest, you will have a guided safari to track the Mangabeys in the forest, the guides are familiar with them, and you will find it easy since many of the guides were part of the Habituation process

During the trek in the forest, you will also have an opportunity to sight other monkeys such as the Red-tailed monkeys and bird species, butterflies, flowers and different tree species and plants in the forest.

The Mangabeys have been discovered as one of the rare species in Uganda, and you do not want to miss to track the mangabey monkeys.


Mabira forest shelters a number of different species of birds living in the forest, the forest is home to more than 315 species of birds including endangered species and bird species including; blue crested monarch, Cassin hawk-eagle, Blake bellied seed cracker among others.

The best viewing places for birds are in mabira along the open woodland fields, valleys, swampy areas, and shrubs.

While here, you can have an opportunity to spot over 46% of Uganda’s forest bird species in Mabira forest, the birds here are more and can be sighted in through out the forest and you do not need to move a lot in the forest in order to sight the birds, they are easily located. You will love your birding experience while at mabira forest in Uganda.

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